In Need of a Law Enforcement Injury Lawyer in Charlotte, NC?

Law Enforcement InjuryOur Charlotte workers’ compensation attorneys at the Ramsay Law Firm, P.A., have represented injured workers for over 25 years — including law enforcement officers who bravely protect North Carolina residents and businesses with a selflessness that is rarely required in other professions.

Police work, even something as simple as an everyday traffic stop, investigations, and arrests can quickly escalate into physical confrontations that result in devastating injuries that take weeks, months, or even years to fully recover — when a full recovery is possible.

When law enforcement officers are hurt in the line of duty, it becomes our duty to help these brave men and women pursue the workers’ compensation benefits they are entitled to, as outlined by the North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Act and other profession-specific coverages that are available.

We also offer the following services in Charlotte, NC

What Type of Law Enforcement Workers’ Compensation Clients Does the Ramsay Law Firm Represent?

At the Ramsay Law Firm, our Charlotte workers’ compensation attorneys represent all types of law enforcement who have been injured in the line of duty throughout North Carolina.

That includes the men and women who bravely put themselves in harm’s way every day working as:

  • Airport Officers
  • City Police throughout North Carolina
  • County Sheriffs’ Offices throughout North Carolina
  • Court Officers
  • Detectives
  • Inspectors
  • Investigators
  • Juvenile Service Officers
  • North Carolina State Highway Patrol
  • Park Rangers
  • Probation Officers

In the regular course of their jobs, police officers face life-threatening situations that have the potential to leave them seriously injured. From high-speed car accidents and pursuing fleeing suspects to conducting searches and seizures on dangerous properties, North Carolina law enforcement faces dangers that are hard to imagine in other industries.

When they are hurt in the line of duty, our Charlotte workers’ compensation attorneys want to help these courageous individuals cut through the red tape that stands between them and the important benefits that will allow them to pursue the best physical and emotional outcome for the injuries they sustained.

What are the Most Common Injuries Sustained by Law Enforcement Officials in North Carolina?

Because of the nature of law enforcement duties, the list of injuries they can sustain during their employment is lengthy and unique to each of their roles and responsibilities.

Some of the most common injuries experienced by law enforcement may include, but are not limited to:

Under North Carolina law, protections are provided when law enforcement suffers injuries or are killed while on the job. Police officers who are injured in the line of duty are entitled to compensation for lost wages, medical expenses, disability, travel to and from medical appointments, and other injury-related expenses. If an officer is killed in the line of duty, their surviving loved ones have a right to receive workers’ compensation benefits, as well.

To learn exactly what type of workers’ compensation benefits you are entitled to as a law enforcement officer in North Carolina, contact our skilled Charlotte attorneys today.

Contact Our Dedicated Law Enforcement Injury Attorneys in Charlotte, North Carolina

Our dedicated workers’ compensation law firm provides free consultations to all law enforcement personnel who have been injured in the line of duty by calling 704-376-1616 or contacting us online. Ask Trial Lawyer Martha for Help Today.

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Ramsay Law Firm, P.A.

10610 Metromont Pkwy STE 205, Charlotte, NC 28269

Phone: (704) 376-1616